67: Homeschooling Middle and High Schoolers: Building Critical Thinkers and Collaborative Learners

67: Homeschooling Middle and High Schoolers: Building Critical Thinkers and Collaborative Learners

critical thinking high school middle school natalie burns


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How Homeschooling Lends Itself to Raising Independent, Critical Thinkers

Transitioning your middle or high school child from traditional to homeschool may seem daunting, but Natalie Burns - founder of Homeschool Teaching Simplified - believes it is not only possible…it's incredibly empowering.

As parents, we know our children better than anyone, and homeschooling gives us the freedom to respond to their needs at any time. There’s no need to wait for the next semester or or some arbitrary school break; if your child’s current environment isn’t serving them, you can make changes whenever necessary!

Natalie assures us that one of the greatest benefits of homeschooling older children is the opportunity to help them develop critical thinking skills. “While you guide and facilitate, they become responsible for their learning process,” she explains.

Teaching your child how to think, rather than what to think, builds independent learners who are prepared for future challenges. And Natalie believes that empowering children to stretch their thinking helps them excel not just academically, but in all areas of life.


The Opportunity for Collaborative Work

Natalie also emphasizes the value of collaborative group work in homeschooling by pointing out these opportunities for collaboration:
Bringing siblings together for a shared project not only saves time, but sparks creativity and innovation. Even if your child is an only child, you can still create similar opportunities by engaging with them yourself in meaningful discussions to help expand their thinking.

  • Group projects encourage children to understand teamwork, recognize their individual strengths, and appreciate equality in a dynamic way.
  • By working with others, children learn to combine their unique ideas, fostering a collaborative ‘mastermind’ environment.


You've Got This!

If you're considering homeschooling your tween or teen, Natalie is confident that whether you’re building critical thinking skills or encouraging collaborative learning, you have the tools to guide them toward success!


Connect with Natalie:

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Check out Natalie’s podcast!➡️Assured: How to Homeschool and Not Get Burned Out By It


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