68: Overcoming Homeschool Mom Imposter Syndrome, with Christina Garrett

68: Overcoming Homeschool Mom Imposter Syndrome, with Christina Garrett

analysis paralysis christina garrett homeschool homeschool mom imposter syndrome people-pleasing perfectionism procrastination


Do you struggle with imposter syndrome...especially in your role as a homeschool mom?

In this episode of the Homeschool Our Way Podcast, I had the pleasure of speaking with Christina Garrett, a homeschooling mom of five and founder of The Momathon Movement who helps moms balance their time, family life, and personal goals.

Christina is sharing her expertise on imposter syndrome and how it often manifests in homeschooling moms and can often prevent us from realizing our value and fully embracing our role as homeschool educators.

She helps us by not only knowing how to identify imposter syndrome in our lives; she also gives us tips on how we can move forward and overcome it.


The 4 P's of Imposter Syndrome

Christina helps us understand exactly what imposter syndrome is by defining it as being so phenomenal and dope and amazing, yet you don't recognize your level of success.

Imposter syndrome manifests itself uniquely in homeschool moms through the concept of the “Four Ps” that Christina defines for us as perfectionism, paralysis (analysis paralysis), people-pleasing, and procrastination:

  • Perfectionism: Moms, especially women of color, often feel the pressure to over-deliver. We judge ourselves harshly when life doesn’t go as planned, and Christina reminds us that it’s okay to let go of the idea of perfection. Homeschooling - like life - is messy, and grace is key.
  • Paralysis (Analysis Paralysis): Faced with too many decisions (like choosing the right curriculum or learning style), we often get stuck. Christina encourages us to make decisions based on what we know at the time, even if the choice isn’t perfect.
  • People-Pleasing: Though homeschooling is a personal family journey, outside opinions can influence our choices. But Christina encourages us to focus on what our children need to thrive, rather than trying to impress others.
  • Procrastination: Fear of making the wrong choice often leads to procrastination, delaying the fulfillment of our goals. So take action rather than waiting for the perfect moment.

Throughout her family's homeschool journey, Christina has learned that homeschooling isn’t about perfection—it’s about giving yourself grace and focusing on what truly matters: family time, allowing children to learn at their own pace, and adapting to their needs. And Christina believes that raising confident, well-rounded children who feel secure in their own identities is the ultimate goal, not rushing them into academic achievements.


Connect with the Momathon Movement

Christina’s wisdom shines through in her approach to both parenting and coaching. She emphasizes the importance of focusing on the big picture—raising self-sufficient, resilient children with strong values. Her message is one of empowerment, encouraging homeschool moms to embrace the journey with grace, trust the process, and prioritize relationships over rigid standards.

If you’re feeling the weight of imposter syndrome or simply looking for a way to balance your goals with family life, Christina Garrett’s advice is a breath of fresh air. Her Momathon Conference is the perfect opportunity to connect with like-minded women, build community, and gain practical strategies for achieving your dreams without losing sight of what matters most.

➡️ The Momathon Movement  FB | IG | LinkedIn

➡️ Register for the The Momathon Conference!

  • October 25-27, 2024
  • Renaissance Hotel Atlanta Airport
  • Use discount code: COLLAB


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