69: Find Your Tribe: Why Homeschool Moms Deserve Safe Spaces Too

co-ops community homeschool moms mom groups


Why Homeschool Moms Need Safe Spaces Too

As homeschool moms, we take on so many responsibilities—teaching, nurturing, guiding—and one thing I’ve come to understand is the importance of having a safe space. We as moms need a community where we can be our full, authentic selves. And when you add being a mom of color into the mix, finding that safe space becomes even more crucial.

Recently, I had an experience that really drove this point home for me. I attended a homeschool event where it was painfully obvious that my presence as a Black woman was merely tolerated, not truly welcomed. I’ve been in situations like this before, and it brought up old memories of the microaggressions and racism I faced growing up in predominantly white private schools. Even as an adult, being in a space where I couldn’t feel safe or comfortable led to something that I don’t often experience—social withdrawal.

Usually, I’m the type of person who’s front and center, ready to learn and connect with others. But at this event, I found myself withdrawing, keeping to a small circle of people I trusted, and avoiding certain sessions because I couldn’t handle the erasure and racist tropes I witnessed. It wasn’t just uncomfortable—it was a reminder of how important it is for us, as moms, to be in environments where we’re not only present, but celebrated.

The truth is, when we don’t feel safe or welcome, it affects us deeply, even as adults. Social withdrawal - where we pull back from interactions due to discomfort - is one of the ways this can manifest. And for us homeschool moms, who already carry so much, it’s essential that we create or find communities where we feel seen, supported, and able to thrive.


3 Ways to Find Our Safe Spaces

  1. Seek out family-friendly homeschool environments where both you and your kids can feel safe. Whether it’s a co-op or a casual playgroup, the key is finding a space where you’re comfortable with the interactions your children are having and where you, as a mom, can connect with others in meaningful ways. I’m lucky to have this in co-op we’re a part of, where the other moms and I bond on a deeper level, especially as Black women.
  2. Create your own moms-only meetups. If you can’t find an established group, gather a few like-minded moms for regular outings without the kids. It’s refreshing to hang out, chat, and focus on ourselves for a change. Trust me, it does wonders for your mental and emotional well-being.
  3. Join online communities. If in-person meetups aren’t possible, there are so many vibrant online spaces for homeschool moms of color. Whether through Facebook groups or other platforms, connecting virtually with other moms who share your values and experiences can provide the support you need.


Take the Step Forward

Ultimately, we deserve the same sense of safety, support, and community that we work so hard to create for our children. So, take that step—find your tribe and allow yourself to be nurtured. Your family will thank you, and most importantly, you’ll be taking care of yourself.

As we wrap up, if you found this helpful, please share this with another homeschool mom who might benefit from it. We all need safe spaces, and the more we share, the more we help each other grow.

Let’s keep learning and thriving together!


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