07: The First Year: One Mom’s Learnings from the Start of Her Homeschool Journey, with Asha Green

In this episode of the Homeschool Our Way Podcast, I’m joined by Asha Green, a North Carolina mom who just completed her first year of homeschool with her 7-year-old son Jeremiah. She shares with us a few helpful resources she’s used, as well as some things she’s learned along the way:

  • Homeschool is a whole new world! Don’t try to recreate traditional school at home.
  • Be flexible!
  • Savor those “a-ha” learning moments that you’ll get to experience with your child. 

Resources mentioned in this episode: 


Follow Asha on Instagram! | @we.out.here.homeschoolin


Resources from Elan:

Determine Your Child’s Learning Style | Learning Style Quiz

Get your free guide: 5 Key Steps to Start Your Homeschool Journey 

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