Homeschool Our Way with Elan Page - How to Start Homeschool, Moms of Color, Black Homeschool Families

Homeschool Our Way with Elan Page - How to Start Homeschool, Moms of Color, Black Homeschool Families

Hosted by: Elan Page | Homeschool Guide for Families of Color

Homeschool Our Way is the go-to podcast for moms of color who are interested in homeschool, but need help getting started. *************** Is your child’s school just NOT providing the kind of educational...

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07: The First Year: One Mom’s Learnings from the Start of Her Homeschool Journey, with Asha Green

In this episode of the Homeschool Our Way Podcast, I’m joined by Asha Green, a North Carolina mom who just completed her first year of homeschool with her 7-year-old son Jeremiah. She shares with us a few helpful...
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06: Fact or Fiction? 5 Common Myths About Homeschool

In this episode of the Homeschool Our Way Podcast, I’m doing some myth busting! Join me as I discuss these top 5 homeschool myths that I hear all the time, and learn why they’re closer to fiction than fact: Only...
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05: 101 Tips for Homeschoolers, with Natalie Mack - part 2

In this episode of the Homeschool Our Way Podcast, I sit down for part 2 of my conversation with Natalie Mack, homeschool mom and author of the book 101 Tips for Homeschoolers.  Natalie gives us insight and...
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04: 101 Tips for Homeschoolers, with Natalie Mack - part 1

In this episode of the Homeschool Our Way Podcast, I sit down for part 1 of my conversation with Natalie Mack, homeschool mom and author of  the book 101 Tips for Homeschoolers.   Natalie tells us about her 5...
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03: My Favorite Summer Activities for Learning and Fun

In this episode of the Homeschool Our Way Podcast, I’m sharing a few of my favorite ways to keep the kids engaged AND learning during the summer. I’ll walk you through… Reading fun Honing in on our child’s...
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02: Five Ways to Organically Incorporate History and Culture into Your Family’s Everyday Education, with Kawai Ah Quin

In this episode of the Homeschool Our Way Podcast, I’m talking with Kawai Ah Quin of the Homeschooling Entrepreneur Mom Podcast. Armed with 8 years of homeschooling experience with her 5 kids, Kawai shares with us the...
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01: Yes, Homeschool Our Way is for YOU!

Welcome to the Homeschool Our Way Podcast! If you’re a family of color, and you’re considering homeschool…or maybe you’ve just begun your homeschool journey…then you’re in the right place! My name is Elan Page, and...
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Welcome to the Homeschool Our Way Podcast!

Homeschool Our Way is the go-to podcast for moms of color who are interested in homeschool, but need help getting started. *************** Is your child’s school just NOT providing the kind of educational experience...
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