Homeschool Our Way Podcast

The go-to podcast for moms of color who are ready to start homeschooling with confidence and clarity. 

61: The Art of Bringing History and Culture to Life in Homeschooling, with Amber O'Neal Johnston

Homeschooling gives your family the freedom and flexibility to select what your kids learn, and for many Black families, this means the ability to infuse Black history and culture into your homeschool experience. This episode of the Homeschool Our Way Podcast features author, speaker and...

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60: Reimagining Education and Embracing the Homeschool Mindset

Embarking on the homeschool journey is a significant step that requires more than just logistical requires a mindset transformation. This episode of the Homeschool Our Way Podcast details the five crucial mindset shifts you'll need to make as you transition from traditional...

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